Our low bunk bed, My Hangout, from LIFETIME Kidsrooms offers more than just a ground-level bed; it includes an additional sleeping area within a playhouse perched above, complete with a secure staircase and operable windows. This ingenious bunk bed with an overhead playhouse can keep kids entertained for endless hours!
Thanks to the robust staircase located at the side, children can easily access the upper playhouse, and this staircase also serves as a storage space for toys. This feature is exceptionally clever if you’re aiming to maximize your floor area. Furthermore, the lower bunk rests at ground level, making it accessible even for the youngest members of the family. It’s wonderful to know that children of all ages can partake in the Hangout adventure.
My Hangout Low Bunk Bed with Step-ladder: W107 cm x D257cm x H219
Mattress: D90cm x L200cm
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